There is a wii game that's STar Wars the CW and there's one with Anakin and Ventress fighting. You can fight crazy and if you slice the ground, Ventress will fall into the hole of you slicing the ground.
We should eat healthy things. Now this is an apple. This is good for you. Don't be junky. You can eat candy, but don't eat too much or you'll get sick. Don't let it delay you!Who likes to sleep? Well, I like to sleep! We have to take a bath. I don't take a bath every time because you don't have to take a bath every single time. Snuggling is the best part. That will keep you warm.Now this is a juice box. Also I need it for my class, not just box tops.This is a box top. Please send them to me. If I get lots of box tops, I'll win a pizza party! Not just one for me, all for my class. I hope the six-year-olds don't win so I can win.